Are you struggling to find profitable niches for your Merch business?
Or are you searching for the next trending niche idea to blow up the internet?
Or maybe you’re ready to scale up your t-shirt business and need hard facts and data to backup your decisions when you start picking the right products to market.
Well look no further, because I’ve got the only t shirt niches list you will ever need again and it’s waiting for you right here with a whopping 1,000+ sub-niches to pick from.
But this t-shirt niche list includes so much more than just profitable niches for your t-shirt business.
It also includes some of the best t-shirt niches in 2021.
What’s the Issue with Profitable T Shirt Niches
In early 2020 I realized that a lot of people who were getting into the Merch business or starting any sort of online side-hustle, were having trouble finding profitable niches to work on.
The problem is that when you get started with online marketing, you have no clue how to determine whether a niche is potentially worth your time or not.
I actually wrote a really helpful post on how to choose a niche a while back, which I recommend you read.
To make matters worse, when you’re just starting out, it’s tremendously important that you get some quick wins early in the game, just so you don’t get demotivated from the get go.
So I thought long and hard about how I could help aspiring t-shirt sellers or online marketers find those profitable t shirt niches quickly.
You see, most of the people out there who run blogs about online marketing or selling merch on Merch by Amazon, all they give you is a long list of niches.
They don’t even bother to categorise them properly, let alone provide some context as to why or how they may be interesting for your business.
They just slap them onto a page and that’s it, you’re on your own.
I wanted to change that.
Introducing the “Heidorn 1,000”
So what exactly is the Heidorn 1,000?
Me and my staff decided to collect an incredibly long list of sub-niches, which we felt would potentially be interesting for the print-on-demand industry.
So in other words, we looked everything which we would consider to be a potential t shirt niche and put it together into a list.
But we didn’t stop there.

We then took that list and started to categorize all those t shirt niches by primary niches, which helped us group them by overarching topics.
And again, we didn’t stop there.
We figured it would make sense if we tried to actually validate the potential of a t shirt niches by researching how many people are actively searching for these various niches.
We decided to use the tool because we’ve had a lot of success with it whilst researching new niches for our Merch by Amazon projects.
So we proceeded to collect Amazon-specific search data on more than 1,100+ sub niches.

And not only for the sub-niches themselves, but also in combination with the most popular print-on-demand products, such as t-shirts, hoodies and stickers.
We even paid attention to strong seasonality of the different t shirt niches.
The outcome of all that hard work is probably the most comprehensive t shirt niche list for the print-on-demand industry that anyone has every put together.
But wait, there’s more.
The Icing on the Cake
So there we were.
We literally had a list of more than 1,100 t shirt niches and knew that no one had every collected this much data for Merch by Amazon.
The list was so exhaustive and detailed that it could easily replace many of the expensive tools that cost a monthly fee.
But wanted to do more.
So we brainstormed a little and decided that it might make sense to have a closer look at each and every sub-niche.
The objective was to assess whether a sub-niche lends itself more to t-shirts or hoodies, stickers or popsockets, stationery or wall prints.
So basically a subjective assessment of how marketable a particular product category may be within that sub-niche.
The outcome was a simplified 5-point rating for each t shirt niche and product category.
How awesome is that?

Primary T Shirt Niches Covered
Here’s a summary of all the 700+ primary t shirt niches that we cover in the Heidorn 1,000 niche list.
Please note that the Basic Version of Heidorn 1,000 only contains the basic list of all t shirt niches, while all of the Amazon search data and ratings are limited to buyers of the Pro Version.
And that’s were the true value lies.
If you want to really find out which t shirt niches have the best chances of being profitable, I strongly suggest you go with the PRO Version because the data is super valuable.
100 Days of School 2nd Amendment / Second Amendment 3D Animator 3D Printing 911 Dispatcher Accountant Action Figure ADHD Awareness Administrative assistant Aerobics Aeronautical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Aesthetician Afro Agriculture Air Traffic Controller Aircraft Mechanic Airline Pilot Alchemy Ambulance Driver American Civil War reenactment American History Amputee Animal Rescue Anime Anthropology Anti Abortion Anti Vaccine Antiquing Aquaponics Aquarium Arborist Arcade Gaming Archeologist Archery Architect Arm Wrestling Arrowhead Hunting Art Teacher Artificial Intelligence Astronomy Astrophysics Atheist Athletic Director Athletic Trainer ATV Quad Riding Audiology Aunt Aunt to be Author Autism Auto Body Painter Auto Detailing Auto Mechanic Autocross Aviation Avocado Axe Throwing Axolotl Babysitter Bachelor Party Bacon Baking Ball Games Ballet Balloon modelling Banker Barber Barista Bartender Baton Twirling BBQ Beach Sports Beach Wrestling Beachcombing Beard Beatboxing Beautician Beekeeping Beer Pong Behavior Analyst Behavior Therapist Behaviour therapy Bible Biblical Bicycling Big Brother Big Sister Bigfoot Billiards Bingo Cards Game Biochemistry Biology Biomedical Engineering Bird Photography Bird Watching Birds Birthday Blacksmith Blogging Blood Donor Boardgames Boating Boba Tea Bodybuilding Bonsai Tree Boomerang Botany Bowling Boyfriend Braille Bridal Party Bride Bride and Groom Bride to be Bridesmaid Bubble Tea Bug Collecting Bullfighting Bus Driver Butcher Cabinetry Cafeteria Worker Calligraphy Camping Cancer Canoeing Car Mechanic Car Racing Car Restoration Car Salesman Cardistry Caregiver Carpenter Cartoon Casino Cats Cattle Show Ceiling Tile Installer Cellular Biology Cerebral Palsy Chain Saw Chakra Healing Charcoal drawing Cheerleading Cheese Chef Chemical Engineer Chemistry Chess Chicken Childcare Provider Chinchilla Chiropractor / Chiropractic Chocolate Choreographer Church Cigar Circus Civil Engineering Civil War Classic Cars Claw Machine Climate Change Climbing CNC Machinist Coding Coffee Coin Collector / Numismatics Combine / Combine Harvester Racing Comic Books Compost Computers Condiment Conspiracy Theory Construction Construction Birthday Cornhole Correctional Officer Cosmetology Cosmology Cosplay Country Girl Cousin Cow Cowboy Cowgirl Crab Craft Beer Crane Operator Crawfish Crayons Criminal Investigation Crocheting Crop Duster Cross Country Running Cross Stitch Cruising Crunchy Mom Cryptocurrency Cryptozoology Curling Custodian Dad Dad to be Dairy Free Dancing Darts Data Analyst Data Science Database Administration Daycare Teacher Deadlifting Deaf Awareness Debate Decaf Demolition Derby Dentist Dermatology Dessert Diabetes Dialysis Diesel Engine Diesel Mechanic Diesel Truck Digital Marketer Dim Sum Dinosaurs Dirt Bike Dirt Track Racing Disco Divorce Dj / Disc jockey Dog Dog Agility Dog Grooming Dog Rescue / rescue dog Dog Sitting Dog Training Donuts Dorodango Drag Queen Drag Racing Drifting Drinking Drone Flying Drywall Ducks Dumpster Diving Earth Science Earthquake Echocardiography Ecology Economics Electric bicycle / e bike Electrical Engineering Electrician Elementary School Elevator Mechanic Embroidery Embryo Transfer Day Employee Appreciation EMTs and paramedics Encaustic painting English Civil War Reenactment English Literature Entomology Environment Environmentalist Epilepsy Awareness Equestrian Essential Oil Esthetician Event Planning Eyelash / Lash Artist Fabricator Family Vacation Farming Fashion Designing Fast Food Feminism Fiance Fiancee Figure Skating Film History Filmmaker Firefigher First responder Fishing Fitness Flat Earth Flea Market Flight Attendant Florist Folkrace Food Truck Forensic Science Forestry Forex Trading Fossil Collection Freemason / Masonry (fraternity) Frog Fruits Fundraising Funeral Director Furry Fandom / Fursuiting Gambling Game Shows Gaming Gangsta Rap Garbage Truck Gardening Gastroenterology Gemology Gender Equality Gender Reveal Gender Roles Genealogy Genetic counselor Geocaching Geography Geology Geophysics Geriatrics Ghost Hunting Girlfriend Girls Trip GIS (Geographic Information System) Glassblowing Global Warming Gluten Free Go Kart Racing Goats Godfather Godmother Goldsmith Graduation Graffiti Grammar Grandma Grandpa Graphic Designing Great Grandma Great Grandpa Groom Groom to be Groomsmen Guinea Pig Gun Control Gym Gymnastics Hairdresser Hairtstylist Ham Radio Hamster Handyman Heart Attack Survivor Heart Surgery Hebrew Helicopter | Help Desk Herpetology High School Hiking Hip Replacement History Hitchhiking HO Scale Model Train Hoe (Heavy equipment operator) Holidays & Celebrations Home brewing Homeowner Homeschool Horse Horticulture Hot Dog Hot Rods HR / Human Resources Hula Hoop Hunting Husband HVAC Hydroponics Hysterectomy Ice Cream Truck Ice Skating Illuminate Immersive Railroading Information Technology Insurance Interior Design Introvert IVF Janitor Javascript JDM Jesus Jet Ski Junk Food K9 Police Kayaking Keto Diet Kidney Knee Replacement Knitting Koi Fish Kpop Lab technician Lampworking Land Surveyor Landscaping Language Learning Language Pathology (Speech Language Pathology) Lapidary Laser Engraving Law School Lawn Mowing Lawyer LDS Mormon Missionary Lemonade Stand Librarian Lifeguard Lifted Truck Lineman (football) Linux Little Brother Little Sister Livestock Loan Officer Loteria Lucid dreaming Lumberjack Machine Learning Machinist Magician Magnet Fishing Makeup Artist Marathon Marching Band Marine Biology Marketing Marriage and Family Therapy Martial Arts Massage Therapist Masters Degree Math Mechanical Engineering Medical Assistant Medical Coder Meditation Mental Health Mermaid Meteorologist Microbiology Microblading Millwright Miniature Dollhouse Mining Missionary (Christian) Molecular Biology Mom to be Monarch Butterfly Monster Truck Mortician Mother of the groom Motivational Quotes Motocross Motorcycle Motorcycling Movies Mud Bogging Mudding Mullet Muscle Cars Mushroom Hunting Music Music Producer Mycology Nail Tech Narwhal National Parks (US) Needle Felting Network Engineer Neuroscience Night Shift Nuclear Medicine Nurse Nutritionist Oak Island OBGYN Obstacle racing Occupational Therapy Offroading Oil Rig Online Shopping Optometry Organ Donor Organic Chemistry Origami Painting Paleontology Papercraft Paragliding Paranormal Investigator Paraprofessional Parasailing Parenting Parkinsons Parkour Parrot Pasta Pastafarian Pastel Goth Peanut Butter and Jelly Pediatricians Personal Trainer Pet Sitter Pharmacists PHD Phlebotomy Photography Physical therapy Physician Physics Pickle (Cucumber) Pierogi Pigeon Pigeon Racing Pinball Pipeliner Pirates Pizza delivery Plant Based Diet Plumber Podcasting Podiatrist Poetry Poker Police Political Postal service / Postal Workers Pottery Powerlifting Pregnancy Announcement Pro Gun Pro Life Programming Proverbs 31 Psychiatrist Psychologist Pyrex Collector QAnon Quantum Mechanics Quantum Physics Quilting Race Car Radiation Therapy Radiology Rae Dunn Pottery Rafting Railroad Rallycross Ranch Dressing RC Airplane RC Car RC Truck Reading Reading Teacher Real Estate Agent / Realtor Receptionist Recycling Red For Ed Redhead Rehabilitation Counselor Renaissance Art Renewable Energy Repo Man / Repo Agent Reptiles Retro Music / Vintage Music Ring Bearer Ripperology (Jack The Ripper) Road Trip Robotics Rock Hunting Rock Painting Rock Paper Scissors Rockhounding / Amateur Geology / Rock Collecting Rodeo Roller Coaster Roller Derby Roller Skating Roofer Rowing Rubber Duck Rubik’s Cube Sacred Geometry Sailing Samurai Sandboarding Sarcasm Sausage Saw Machine School School Bus Driver Science Scottish Kilt Scout Scrapbooking Screenwriting Sculpting Sea Food Seashells Collector Serial Killer Sewing Shark Shark Teeth Collector Shooting Sign Language Single Dad Single Mom Sister to be Skateboarding Skating Skiing Skydiving Slackline Sledding Slime Sloth Snowboarding Soap Making Social Worker Software Engineer Solar System Sound Engineer Sound Guy Space Special Education Speech Pathology Speech Threrapy Sports Betting Sprint Car Racing Stamp Collector / Philately Stargazing Statistics Steampunk Stock Trading Storm Chaser Stroke Survivor Submarine Submarine Veteran Succulent (Plants) Surfing Surgical Technologist Sushi Sweet Tea Swimming T-rex Tarantula Tardigrade Tarot Card Tattoo Tattoo Artist Tax Season Taxi Driver Taxidermy Testing Teacher Theater Theology Thrifting Tonsillitis Tow Trucking Track and field Tractor Pulling Trading Card Games Train Tree Climbing Triathlon Truck Driver / Trucker Truck Racing True Crime Turtle Typewriter UFO Ultrasound Tech Uncle Underwater Sports Unicorn Unicycling Vaporwave Aesthetic Vasectomy Vegan Vet Tech Veteran Veterinarian Video Game Vikings Vintage Radio Vinyl Record Collecting Wakeboarding Water Polo Water Volleyball Web Developer Wedding Officiant Weightlifting Welder Whale Whittling Wife Windsurfing Wingsuit Flying Women Empowerment Woodcarving Woodturning Woodworking Workout Worm Farming / Vermiculture Writing X-ray Tech Yoga Zombies Zookeeper Zoology |